
Principal Investigator

Jungpyo Lee, Ph. D. (이정표 교수)


Ph.D, Nuclear science and engineering, June 2013, MIT (공학박사, 미국 메사추세츠 공과대학)

M.S Mechanical engineering, May 2008, Stanford University (공학석사, 미국 스탠포드 대학교)

B.S Mechanical and aerospace engineering, June 2005, Seoul National University (공학사, 서울대학교)

Professional Experience

Associate Professor, Hanyang University, Nuclear Engineering Dept.  (Feb 2022 -present

Assistant Professor, Hanyang University, Nuclear Engineering Dept.  (Mar 2018 -Feb 2022) 

Research Scientist, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion center  (May 2015 – Feb 2018) 

Post-doctoral associate, NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences  (Sep 2013 – Apr 2015) 

Research member, US DOE RF-SciDAC (Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing) (2008 –) 

Program committee Chair, 2018 Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference 

한국 핵융합 인력양성 위원회 위원 (2018 - present )

한국 원자력학회 포상 및 장학위원회 위원 (2019 - present)

원자력미래포럼 우주 및 해양 분과위원 (2020 - present) 

Graduate Student Researchers

Hyojong Lee, (이효종) 

Program for a Master-Ph.D degree (석박사 통합과정)

B.S Nuclear Engineering, Feb 2018, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: Impurity transport theory and computation

Hyeonjun Lee, (이현준) 

Program for a Master-Ph.D degree (석박사 통합과정)

B.S Nuclear Engineering, Feb 2019, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: Development of Fokker-Planck code, RF wave heating and current drive theory and computation 

Younghoon Lee, (이영훈) 

Program for a Master-Ph.D degree (석박사 통합과정) 

B.S Nuclear Engineering, Feb 2019, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: Energetic Particle Physics, Plasma transport theory and computation

Junhyuk Song, (송준혁) 

Program for a Master-Ph.D degree (석박사 통합과정)

B.S Nuclear Engineering, Feb 2020, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: MHD equilibrium and stability theory and computation

Jiheon Song, (송지헌)

Program for a Master-Ph.D degree (석박사 통합과정)

B.S Nuclear Engineering, Aug 2020, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: Particle Code, Microinstabilities, Plasma physics aided by Machine Learning

Yunho Jeong, (정윤호)

Program for a Master-Ph.D degree (석박사 통합과정)

B.S Nuclear Engineering, Feb 2022, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus:  Neoclassical transport, FDTD modeling

Jungmin Kim (김정민)

Program for a Master-Ph.D degree (석박사 통합과정)

B.S Nuclear Engineering, Feb 2023, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: Semiconductor, ICP plasma modeling via PIC code

Jiho Park (박지호)

Program for a Master-Ph.D degree (석박사 통합과정)

B.S Nuclear Engineering, Aug 2023, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus:  Current drive Simulation & heating experiment, RF wave heating

Seyeon Heo , (허세연)

Program for a Master degree (석사 과정)

B.S Nuclear Engineering, Feb 2024, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: Plasma transport code implementation, IMAS 

Under-Graduate Student Researchers

Myungjin Park (박명진) 

Program for B.S, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: Microinstabilities, Pilot plant tokamak design 

Joonho Son (손준호) 

Program for B.S, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: Semiconductor

Taeyeon Won (원태연) 

Program for B.S, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: Development of Fokker-Planck code

Yunpyo Lee (이윤표

Program for B.S, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: Impurity transport

Inseong Jeon (전인성

Program for B.S, Hanyang University (공학사, 한양대학교)

Research Focus: RF wave heating